Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Difference between Perkeso HSP Mammogram and LPPKN Mammogram Subsidy Program

Lately, my friends have been asking me about Perkeso and LPPKN mammogram since both are offering free mammogram subsidies. They asked me if they went under Perkeso program, can they still go for LPPKN subsidy? Now, it's not really which program you should go for but most importantly, is there a need? You see, there are certain criteria to fulfill before one go for mammogram screening. Even in a year, you don't need to go for 2 or 3 times for screening just because it's being subsidized. You need to firstly consult your doctor whether they recommend you to go for once a year screening or twice a year screening. 

Perkeso Health Screening - Mammogram

This program is mainly for SOCSO contributors who have the voucher. This program was launched last year to help minimize the health risk among Malaysian workers. So far, there's no news from the Ministry whether or not they will continue this program on a yearly basis or on a one-off basis. As mentioned in my previous posting, those who have the voucher and yet to go for your screening should take note that there's an expiry date from the date the voucher print date. Just remember that you will need to go a registered panel clinic before going to the mammogram centres for your screening. If you want to know more, just  refer to the steps involved at the sidebar. 

LPPKN Mammogram Subsidy

This program is slightly different as it is organized by The National Population and Family Board (LPPKN) to help increase the breast cancer awareness among women in Malaysia. This program is open to Malaysian women citizen and permanent resident aging from 40-70 years old. It is also opened to women who are aged 35-39 years old with family history of breast cancer or at “high risk” with the reference from a certified doctor. 

If you’re earning RM 5,000 and below, the mammogram screening is provided to you FREE (though some hospitals may charge a minimal fee for registration etc)

For those earning RM 5,000 and above, you are subsidized RM 50 for the mammogram. Generally, mammogram priced between RM 100 – 120 depending on hospital. So, you just need to top up the difference. Because this program is under LPPKN, any abnormal cases will be notified to LLPKN as well. This is because there’ll be a choice for you whether you would like to seek their panel doctors for treatment or help, or you seek treatment at a private hospital on your own. For those who can’t afford the treatment, LPPKN will be there to assist you further.

Previously, you will need to go to the nearest LPPKN panel Klinik Nur Sejahtera to register for the free mammogram screening. However, due to the cumbersome practice, LPPKN has changed some of their policies to allow direct registration at the participating centres. Some medical centres have been given the green light to process the application directly without you having to go to the Nur Sejahtera Clinics. 

So far, I know Columbia Asia and Alpha Specialist Centre has started accepting the registration at their centres. Others, perhaps I will gather the info for you. 

To recap, the whole purpose for these programs implemented by the Government is to help women in Malaysia. The difference is just 2 organisations offering different programs. But the frequency to go for the mammogram screening relies your doctor's advice to you. 

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