Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Free Medical Check-Up & Health Screening Voucher Perkeso/Socso


For those who have yet to go for their health screening under the Perkeso HSP program, you should take note that there's a eligibility period printed on the voucher. I mean there's a expired date printed on it. If you notice it's stated "Tarikh Luput adalah setahun dari tarikh cetak" ie. Due 1 year from the date this voucher is printed.


So best take note since it's free anyway. So why not get your health checked! If you don't know where to go or what to do, just refer to my guide on the right column as well as the list of panel clinics available. For female, the clinics will tell you the options for mammogram centres.

Any questions, feel free to drop me an email malaysiahealthguide (a) gmail (dot) com

1 comment:

  1. Boleh tak dapatkan kembali baucer tu, sbb saya punya dah hilang tercicir tak tahu di mana makasih


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