Friday, 27 June 2014

New Perkeso Extension of The Validity Period For SOCSO's Health Screening Vouchers

Lanjutan Tempoh Sah Baucar Saringan Kesihatan Perkeso
Salam sejahtera,
Dimaklumkan bahawa PERKESO dengan ini mengambil kesempatan untuk mengumumkan bahawa tempoh sah baucar Saringan Kesihatan PERKESO 2013 yang bakal tamat pada 30 Jun 2014 ini akan dilanjutkan lagi sehingga 31 Disember 2014. Keputusan ini dibuat setelah mempertimbangkan faedah yang bakal diperolehi oleh ribuan lagi pencarum yang belum menjalani saringan kesihatan ini, dan juga hasrat kerajaan melalui PERKESO untuk menyediakan kemudahan pencegahan awal penyakit tidak berjangkit bagi golongan pekerja.

Extension of The Validity Period of The SOCSO's Health Screening Vouchers
Dear Panels,
We are please to announce that the validity period of the 2013 HSP Vouchers, which are due to expired on the 30th June 2014 is now extended until the 31st December 2014. This decision was made after considering the benefit that would be gained by thousands of SOCSO insured persons who are yet to undergo the health screening, and in support of the government’s aspiration through SOCSO to  provide an early intervention measures for NCDs for employees in the country. 
Thank you.

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